Call for Posters - ISSEP 2015
8th International Conference on Informatics in Schools:
Situation, Evolution, and Perspective
September 28 - October 1, 2015
Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
The International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspective (ISSEP) is an established forum for researchers and practitioners in the area of Computer Science Education with a focus on secondary schools. The ISSEP series started in 2005 in Klagenfurt, with following meetings held in Vilnius (2006), Torun (2008), Zürich (2010), Bratislava (2011), Oldenburg (2013), and Istanbul (2014). The conference language is English.
The main topics of the conference are (for more details see the conference webpage:
- Sustainable education in Informatics for pupils of all ages
- Connecting Informatics lessons to the students’ everyday lives
- Teacher education in Informatics
- Research on Informatics in schools (empirical / qualitative / quantitative / theory building / research methods / comparative studies / transferability of methods and results from other disciplines)2
We invite the submission of proposals for poster presentation at ISSEP2015. Poster submissions may describe recently completed work, relevant results of work in progress, or successful systems and applications, etc. Moreover, presenting a poster at the conference is a great opportunity to get feedback on work that has not yet been published.
Poster presentations will be an integral part of the conference including a session with a fast-forward presentation of the poster's summary to all conference attendees. To maintain interactiveness and exciting poster presentations, at least one presenter per accepted poster is required to attend the conference.
A 2-page poster proposals must include a short description of the research topic, the method, and, if possible, research results and implications based on the research results.
If the proposal is accepted, a vertical rectangular board will be provided at the conference for the presentation of your poster. Moreover, a 2-page abstract will also be included in ISSEP proceedings published by a local publisher.
For your convenience, and also in order to achieve a uniform appearance for all posters, we provide a template for your document. Poster proposals must be formatted in LaTeX, using the LNCS style and submitted as pdf files. Example file is available to download from here. Please use this template in order to format your document and do not change the styles or margins given in the template. Note that poster proposals not using this format in full will not be accepted.
Please, submit your proposals by e-mail to the address:
Submission deadline: July 10, 2015 (**EXTENDED**)
Author notification: July 20, 2015
Camera ready due: August 17, 2015
Conference: September 28 - October 1, 2015
For questions or further information, please contact the Poster Session Chair: Matija Lokar (